Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Ships At Night

Soaring sails,
battering the wind,
the floating clouds,
are left behind…
the sun is setting,
the sky is turning amber and red,
the sailors are churned out and exhausted,
need water, rest and bread….
The sun, seems like reaching their sail,
the wines being brought up pail by pail,
bread and fruits served tonight,
and the measly morsels are the feast, stars are the light….
The sun seems as if swimming in the ocean,
And seems like a candle’s extinguished flame,
now it is time for a little break,
after a day of tedious game….
the sky turns blue from flamy crimson,
and twinkling stars dot the sky,
the moon shines like a lamp,
and the time passes by….
the sailors’ eyes fixed upon the ocean, blue,
search for a single clue,
if a storm was approaching,
or could they afford to sleep for an hour two?
Seeing no danger in sight,
they leave their worries, and forget all fights,
the day has ended finally,
and the ships settle for the night….

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

डाकडिब्बे की चाबी !

सुबह हुई तोह पता चला,
घर में मचा था बवाल
" कहाँ गयी डाकडिब्बे की चाबी?"
था पिताजी का सवाल|

यहाँ से सब निकाला,
खखल डाली अलमारी,
चीज़े करदी उथल-पुथल,
ढूंड ली जगाएं सारी!

क्यों है इतनी उत्सुकता?
मेरे मन में जगा सवाल....
क्यों आज सफाई प्रेमी पिताजी,
कर रहे हैं घर का हाल बेहाल?!

माँ से पूछा मैंने,
तोह लगी वह कहेने....

" कल गए थे नीचे घूमने,
ख़त देखा पेटी में,
इतने दिनों बाद चिट्ठी आई है,
यही सोच कर इतनी उथल-पुथल मचाई है!"

मेरा हसने का जी किया,
लेकिन केवल म्स्कुरायी,
लेकिन फिर अपने मन में,
उत्सुकता पाई!!

मैं चुप-चाप गयी पिताजी के पास,
पूछा "किसने लिखा है यह ख़त?"
गुस्से में बोले,  "मेरे पास नहीं है चाबी,
मुझसे पूछो मत!"

फिर दो दिन बीत गए,
पिताजी ने पहनी कमीज़ गुलाबी,
और अभी तक न मिली थी,
डाकडिब्बे की चाबी!

वह नीचे गए,
उनकी शकल थी लटकी,
और अभी भी नज़रें थी,
उस डाकडिब्बे पर अटकी!

फिर बजा उनका फ़ोन,
तोह जेब में डाला हाथ,
और लो!
डाकडिब्बे की चाबी निकली मोबाइल के साथ!!!

पिताजी हुए बड़े खुश,
और चाबी से डाकडिब्बा खोल डाला!
और बड़ी उत्सुकता से,
उन्होंने वह ख़त निकाला!

ख़ुशी से खोला ख़त उन्होंने,
लेकिन गुस्से से आँखें हो गयी लाल....
क्यूंकि वोह ख़त था लाइफ इन्सौरांस का विज्ञापन,
जिसे लेने का न उठा सवाल!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Wild Fire

Wandering in the forest,
I am, alone…
The sun has set,
The light, too gone…

The howling winds,
Make the tree leaves whisper,
The cries of the wolves, fills the air,
And the lone ranger silently whimpers…

The hour is late,
The moon my only acquaintance…
The sky is starless but lit by the moon,
Beneath which the shadow of the nocturnal dance….

The only sound is of my steps,
And the dead leaves crunching beneath,
The sound of the scampering of the mice,
And of a bat, gritting his teeth….

My heart is flooding with worries,
With frightened tears,
With a wish to get out of here,
and unspoken fears……

for once I wanted to get back,
to the life I left behind….
To the streets of familiar faces,
They flashed in my mind…

I was dying to find a clear patch,
Of land and  of soft grass,
A stream of sweet water,
Where the water is clear as glass…

I found the land,
Miles deep, into the heart of the dark woods,
The perfect turf I had wished for,
The gleaming waters nearby, I drank the water, as much as I could………….

Then struck two stones,
To ignite a flame….
The spark leaped, and became a fire,
The fire, wild, not a spark was tame….

When I saw the burning flame,
A state of fervor overcame me,
The fire crackled, the flames danced,
I looked on, as it burned my anxiety…..

I stared on,
As it burnt my fears, worries, tears and unwanted desires….
I was cured, completely healed,
By a wild forest fire….

Child Labour

A child,
Whose childhood has been snatched away,
Now works hard, day and night,
To earn a meager pay.
His eyes,
Full of tears, beg “help me out!”
Though he is quiet,
His heart silently shouts.
His tears go unseen,
His voice passes unheard,
He begs and he pleads,
But all ignore his words.
The hands, which were meant to study and play,
Are working now,
Laboring all day.
Out his eyes look,
With a dream to be free and fly,
His hands, though bruised,
But his hopes are still high.
Every underprivileged child should be rescued,
The laws relating to their rights need consideration,
To build mightier countries,
And make them stronger nations.